![[Next.js] Warning: Assign arrow function to a variable before exporting as module default の対応](/images/thumbnail/next-logo.png)
[Next.js] Warning: Assign arrow function to a variable before exporting as module default の対応
./pages/items/converters/date.tsx 32:1 Warning: Assign arrow function to a variable before exporting as module default import/no-anonymous-default-export 32:16 Error: Component definition is missing display name react/display-name
export default
export default () => {
return <>Hello</>;
const Index = () => {
return <>Hello</>;
export default Index;
stack overflow とかその辺を調べてたら解決策が出ていました。
cannot export const arrow function
You're trying to export a default and declare a variable at the same time, which is invalid syntax.
Consider the following, since we know that you can declare multiple variables using only one instance of the keyword, var a, b, c; the > export definition wouldn't make sense at all.
export default var a, b, c;
What would that mean? What would get exported?
Furthermore, using the export default syntax already creates a variable called default that needs to contain a value or reference.
Export the variable instead if you want to make it a constant.
const Todo = () => {};
export default Todo; There is a thread about this on ESDiscuss